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All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you... but first they must catch you.Oct. 14, 1978United Kingdom88 Min.PG
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En los pacificos prados de Inglaterra vive una comunidad de conejos. Cuando su madriguera se ve amenazada, un pequeño grupo de valientes conejos escapa de la madriguera en busca de un nuevo hogar. Conducidos por Fiver el visionario, Bigwig el valeroso, y el honorable Hazel hacen frente a multitud de desafíos y peligros que superan gracias a su fuerza y astucia para sobrevivir, mientras persiguen su sueño.

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Orejas largas
Título original Watership Down
IMDb Rating 7.6 37,260 votos
TMDb Rating 7.192 514 votos


Martin Rosen


John Hurt isHazel (voice)
Hazel (voice)
Richard Briers isFiver (voice)
Fiver (voice)
Michael Graham Cox isBigwig (voice)
Bigwig (voice)
John Bennett isCaptain Holly (voice)
Captain Holly (voice)
Ralph Richardson isChief Rabbit (voice)
Chief Rabbit (voice)
Simon Cadell isBlackberry (voice)
Blackberry (voice)
Terence Rigby isSilver (voice)
Silver (voice)
Roy Kinnear isPipkin (voice)
Pipkin (voice)
Richard O'Callaghan isDandelion (voice)
Dandelion (voice)
Denholm Elliott isCowslip (voice)
Cowslip (voice)

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